10.5 MILLION mutual shareholder who hold mutual shares in
2,417 Local Banks
Crédit Agricole Regional Banks jointly holding the majority of Crédit Agricole S.A.’s share capital (Via SAS Rue la Boétie. The Regional Bank of Corsica, 99.9% owned by Crédit Agricole S.A., is a shareholder of Sacam Mutualisation).
39 Crédit Agricole Regional Banks hold 100% of Sacam Mutualisation assets, while Sacam Mutualisation holds 25% of the participation of the 39 Crédit Agricole Regional Banks.
There is a political link between “Fédération nationale du Crédit Agricole (FNCA)” and 39 Crédit Agricole Regional Banks. Crédit Agricole S.A. assets are distributed as following:
55.9% hold by 39 Crédit Agricole Regional Banks
44.1 % hold by Float::
- 32.4% Institutional investors
- 7.0% Individual shareholders
- 4.7% Employee share ownership plans (ESOP)
- Non-significant Employee share ownership plans (ESOP)
Crédit Agricole S.A. subsidiaries are:
- Crédit Agricole Assurances
- Amundi
- C.A Indosuez Wealth Management
International retail banking in several countries:
Italia, Polska, Egypt, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia and Crédit du Maroc.
- Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance
- Crédit Agricole leasing and Factoring
- Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank
- CACEIS Investor Services
Specialised businesses and subsidiaries :
- Crédit Agricole Immobilier
- Crédit Agricole Payment Services
- Crédit Agricole Capital Investment and Finances
- Uni-médias